
Optimize your time and make the most of it to take your work to the next level. Thanks to the Timesheet you can fully plan your days, analyze your and your team's performance and much more, always maintaining maximum concentration.

Use the time for what it's worth

Time is our most precious resource. For this reason our philosophy is born from this awareness:only knowing how you spend your time is it possible to identify unproductive activities and change course.

Plan your days

Define how much time each activity takes, then distribute to-dos according to available resources, day by day.

Keep your focus

Allow each collaborator to keep focus on a single task at a time. If the timer is on, you know your billing is running and thanks to muted notifications, you can achieve a high level of concentration.

Prevent disputes with the activity log

Knowing when and by whom an activity was carried out can be important to prevent and reduce possible disputes.

You will always have at hand a detailed log of the operations carried out, to share with whoever you want.

Analyze performance

It triggers a continuous improvement mechanism by monitoring the performance of individuals and of the team as a whole.

Reduce waste and reallocate resources to different tasks or projects.

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